Turn off ring subscription warning

I have a Ring Doorbell without a Subscription, I don’t record the video as it’s too costly.

However, I now get hundreds of warnings in the log file reminding me that I don’t have a ring subscription, which I don’t need.

Is there a way in the configuration to turn this warning off?


2024-12-19 19:53:28.915 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 19:56:31.885 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 19:59:34.877 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:02:37.902 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:05:40.922 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:08:43.905 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:11:46.916 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:14:49.892 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:17:52.883 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:20:55.889 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:23:58.940 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:27:01.952 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:30:04.896 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:33:07.892 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:36:10.882 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:39:13.884 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:42:16.927 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:45:19.913 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:48:22.902 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:51:25.903 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:54:28.899 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 20:57:31.870 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 21:00:34.912 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 21:03:37.924 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 21:06:40.911 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 21:09:43.936 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 21:12:46.922 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 21:15:49.920 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 21:18:52.908 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 21:21:55.888 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 21:24:58.958 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 21:28:01.896 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 21:31:04.885 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 21:34:07.893 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 21:37:10.947 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 21:40:13.906 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
2024-12-19 21:43:16.936 WARNING (MainThread) [ring_doorbell.doorbot] Your Ring account does not have an active subscription.
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I also have this problem. I created an issue for it on Github:

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The issue is caused by the new Live View entities
Disable them and the messages are no longer logged

Hi ShortPutt,
Thank you for your response, but your solution disables the Live View functionality.
This feature should, and does, work without a subscription—only recorded feeds require a subscription.

You can (temporarily) bump the logging to error level for the Ring integration by placing the following in configuration.yaml:

  default: warning
    ring_doorbell.doorbot: error