How can I turn off the sun component? I am trying to set up mqtt and when I read the log, every minute there is a line about when the next sunrise will be. I don’t need the sun component working in the the setup I am using. I am using version 0.89.1. There is no line in the configuration.yaml file that has “sun:” in it so presumably it is set up somewhere else in this version.
Thanks for the help!
You probably have a default_config
key in your configuration. That enables the sun component and several others. If you don’t want the sun component you’ll have to remove default_config
and then manually add in any of the other default components you still want to keep.
Thanks freshcoast, I do have default_config in my config file. I’m a complete amateur with Home Assistant so I think I will put up with the sun information updates every minute!
Thanks again.