Turn off the switch when power is less than x for given time


I do have electric kettle connected to Aeotec smart switch (a z-wave wall plug). As for now im turning the kettle (by the switch) on and off manualy, from the ios app, but i would like to create automation to turn off the switch when boiling is done (kettle turns itself off after boiling, but i would prefer to not leave it “under power” - just for safety reasons).

There are two ways to do it:

  1. Turn off the switch after x minutes after turning it on. Its easy way, lets say boiling takes 2 minutes, so hass can turn off the switch after 5 minutes after turning it on (manually by me). Problem: more water = longer boiling, less = shorter. So more elegant would be to make it in a bit more “smart” way.

  2. Switch does check power consumption, so i could use it to know when boiling is done and kettle turned itself off. But theres one problem - raports about power consumption are sent every 30 seconds, so if i would do something like “if power < 1000 W, turn off the switch” it could turn itself during boiling, just because HASS didnt got yet a info about high power consumption.
    Solution in this case could be something like this:

Turn off switch.kettle_switch if power < 1000 for 60 seconds.

Question is how to “build it” in correct way in home assistant ?

You can use a numeric state trigger with a time value, and a condition so it doesn’t turn off as soon as it’s on :wink:

  - alias: 'Turn off an idle kettle'
        # When the kettle's power attribute is below 1000 for one minute
      - platform: numeric_state
        entity_id: switch.kettle
        value_template: '{{ state.attributes.power|default(0)|int }}'
        below: 1000
          minutes: 1
        # Or it's simply been turned on and never used
      - platform: state
        entity_id: switch.kettle
        to: 'on'
          minutes: 5
        # And it has been on for at least 2 minutes
      - condition: state
        entity_id switch.kettle
        state: 'on'
          minutes: 2
        # Turn it off
      - service: switch.turn_off
        entity_id: switch.kettle

Thank you Tinkerer, it works ! :slight_smile:

Some extra question to understand everything.
In template {{ state.attributes.power|default(0)|int }} we are using “int” to convert value from float to integer, as i do remember only integers can be used so its understandable. But what actually “default(0)” does ?

default(0) says that if it doesn’t receive a value then it’s to use zero. For instance, if when the switch is off it doesn’t report power usage at all, then this will avoid you having an error.

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I am trying to make a similar automation, but for my dumb dishwasher:
After it turns on, if no power consumption during 7 minutes, it should turn off. This is what I have:

alias: Máquina de Lavar Loiça - Desligar se não lavar
description: Desligar a máquina da Loiça caso não haja consumo
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.localtuya_power_02_current_consumption
    below: '5'
    for: '00:07:30'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: switch.localtuya_power_02
    state: 'on'
    for: '00:07:00'
  - service: switch.turn_off
      entity_id: switch.localtuya_power_02
  - service: notify.mobile_app_poco_f2_pro
      message: Não havia loiça para lavar.
      title: Máquina de Lavar Loiça desligou.
mode: single

What am I doing wrong?

To test an automation there’s three stages you can follow. Testing the action, the condition and action, and the whole automation:

  1. Use Configuration → Automations to find the automation and then push Run Actions. If this fails your problem is in the action: section, and details should be found in your log file
  2. Use Developer toolsServices and call automation.trigger on the automation with skip_condition: false. If the first passes but this fails then the problem is in your condition: block
  3. Use Developer toolsStates to find the trigger entity, click the name, then change the state (at the top) to something that’ll trigger the automation before pushing Set State. If this fails then the problem is with your trigger: section, or the automation is turned off (you can check that in Developer tools → States).

You can also see this section in the docs and with HA 2021.4 onwards debug automations if your automation has an id: field.

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