Turn on Garage Lights for 5 mins on Motion IF motion and garage door is closed and

I have seen several automations here to turn on garage lights if motion is activated, and keep it on for x amount of time. But i cold not find the automation for this condition…
Turn on Garage Lights on motion, but when garage door is closed even in the day time, as garage door is closed its dark even its day hence the garage lights should turn on.
However, when garage door is open in the day time no need to turn on the garage lights on motion, but garage lights should turn on motion even if garage door is open at night.

Kindly help me with this one, this is one thing the wife gets upset about and accuses me that me wasting my time on home automation is useless as nothing works, even if everything in the house is automated and works perfectly, but the time when something does not work… its like “nothing works in this house when u touch it” :sweat_smile:

First, I must laugh at the wife’s comment. Girls :slight_smile: Give her a hug for my wife!

Keep the logic in here and think about it.

Everything you have said is able to be put into an automation.

Trigger is motion.
Conditions are time and position of the door.

And if you want to go the day or night route, ytou can use the light sensed by you (or someone else’s weather station which is pretty slick but might not work if those weather station s are covered in snow) - or you can use the level of the sun in the sky at your location, or even a third party weather integration that tells you about how bright it it where you are outside in lumens…

I hear you about the WAF. My % increases by about .005% a month, and then as soon as there is some kind of unexpected problem with an automation the % goes down by about 110%

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