Turn on lights based on motion detection, sun position, illuminance and master switch

This blueprint is based on this blueprint. I was using it for a long time, along with Adaptive Lighting.

What I wanted to achieve is that I can choose to turn on different lights, depending if my system is in sleep mode or not. For sleep mode, I prefer to use very delicate lights for very low illuminance that does not wake me up. So I configure an automation for sleep mode and another one for not-sleep mode.
I recently bought some light sensors and I added them to the blueprint. So if it is still day, but there is not enough light, like a cloudy day, the lights will turn on. I realize that the sun position is no longer needed, but I thought, why not, as it was also my first blueprint and I wanted to play with it as well.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

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