I’m a fiddler, not a programmer and as such, I’ve benefited greatly from all of the bits of code that users have posted in the forums. Thanks! Here’s my contribution.
What it does: When I first come downstairs, a motion sensor in my livingroom senses me and turns on some lights. Kind of a “welcome to the day” automation.
This includes: creating and changing the value of an input_boolean, reacting to time and to sunrise, using conditions for an action, using value_templates for conditions, exiting an automation by using a conditon inside the action
name: Waiting for first morning motion
icon: mdi:kettle
## These first two control t input_boolean that allows the "first morning action" to occur
## If the action is triggered, it will also disable this boolean. This assumes you have the sun platform enabled.
#turns it on at 5am
- alias: Enable First Morning Trigger
- platform: time
after: '5:00'
service: homeassistant.turn_on
entity_id: input_boolean.trigger_first_morning
# turns it off an hour after sunrise
- alias: Disable First Morning Trigger
- platform: sun
event: sunrise
offset: "01:00:00"
service: homeassistant.turn_off
entity_id: input_boolean.trigger_first_morning
# This is the main automation. It triggers when my motion sensor is triggered
# (in this case, a motion sensor from a security system attached to my Vera)
- alias: First Morning Motion
platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.livingroom_motion
to: 'on'
# only complete the automation if we're still waiting for the first motion
condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.trigger_first_morning
state: 'on'
# turn off the "waiting" boolean regardless of whether lights will turn on
# so that this happens only once
- service: homeassistant.turn_off
entity_id: input_boolean.trigger_first_morning
# But only turn on lights if the living room and kitchen lights are off or dimmed
# If a condition tests false, the automation will end
- condition: and
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: light.livingroom_ec
# if light is off, force a 0, otherwise use the brightness value
value_template: '{% if states.light.livingroom_ec.state == "on" %}{{ states.light.livingroom_ec.attributes.brightness }}{% else %}0{% endif %}'
# brightness below 50% (255 = 100%)
below: 127
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: light.kitchen_bar
value_template: '{% if states.light.kitchen_bar.state == "on" %}{{ states.light.kitchen_bar.attributes.brightness }}{% else %}0{% endif %}'
below: 127
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: light.kitchen_ceiling
value_template: '{% if states.light.kitchen_ceiling.state == "on" %}{{ states.light.kitchen_ceiling.attributes.brightness }}{% else %}0{% endif %}'
below: 127
# Trigger a scene
# You could add as many services or scenes as you'd like
- service: scene.turn_on
entity_id: scene.morning_first_motion
# here's the scene that gets called. Lights in
# my living room and kitchen turn on.
- name: Morning First Motion
state: on
brightness: 127
state: on
brightness: 178
state: on
brightness: 178
state: on
brightness: 153
state: on
brightness: 153