"Turned on by" not displaying user names

I’m finding the “last changed by [user]” is missing my newly created users in the entity history.
I have two users: “Chris” and “Bear”. The logbook properly shows who made a change, for example:

Debug toggle switch turned on by Bear ← User name ‘Bear’, this works
1:08:58 PM - 3 minutes ago
Debug toggle switch turned off by Chris
1:07:30 PM - 4 minutes ago

However, the when I click the entity in lovelace to display the info panel, it’s missing names.

Entity info overlay
Turned on by service input_boolean.turn_onSHOULD say ‘Bear’, like the logbook
1:08:58 PM - 3 minutes ago
Debug toggle switch turned off by Chris
1:07:30 PM - 4 minutes ago

I’ve restarted Home Assistant, cleared browser cache and deleted the _v2.db in an attempt to troubleshoot. Thoughts?

I am also experiencing exactly this. The logbook is always complete/correct but the entity info panel sporadically says “service input_boolean.turn_on” instead of the user.

I use mariadb as the recorder engine though from what I can tell, this has nothing to do with how events are stored in SQL database.