Turning each light in particular order

I have 7 spotlights. I want to turn on each spotlight pressing on my esphome button.
Case scenario:

{% set lights = ['light.livingroom_spotlight_1_1','light.livingroom_spotlight_1_2','light.livingroom_spotlight_1_3','light.livingroom_spotlight_1_4','light.livingroom_spotlight_1_5','light.livingroom_spotlight_1_6','light.livingroom_spotlight_1_7'] %}
  • If all lights are turned off in lights group, then turn first light ‘light.livingroom_spotlight_1_1’
  • If only first light is turned on, turn on next light (‘light.livingroom_spotlight_1_2’)
  • If only first and second lights are turned on, then turn on third light (‘light.livingroom_spotlight_1_3’)
    and so on.

If lights are turned on in any other non-linear form (first light turned on, then fourth, then seventh) - turn off all lights, and turn on just first light.


This is still new and I haven’t used this myself, but an input_select has a select_next service. Perhaps you can leverage that. It will give you the ability to cycle, but you’ll need more.

or maybe just 30 statements of if-else statements :slight_smile:

what about this?
I always see lights go on in line of how I add them in the service:

            - service: light.turn_on
                  - light.livingroom_1
                  - light.livingroom_2
                  - light.livingroom_3
                  - light.livingroom_4
                  - light.livingroom_5
                  - light.livingroom_6

I assumed the OP wants something smarter and maintainable or they wouldn’t have asked.

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That’s not what the OP means, according to my understanding. It should go: Light 1 is on, then press the button, then 1 and 2 is on, press again, 1 and 2 and 3 is on, etc. and after all are on, the next button press will turn everything off, followed by restarting the process.

then it will be a long if this then that haha… :slight_smile:

So, this automation should do the trick and give you the tools to debug it. You’ll have to add your own trigger and adjust the list of lights in the variables.

- alias: Turn lights on in order
    - light.light1
    - light.light2
    - light.light3
    on_lights: >
      {{ expand(lights) | selectattr('state','eq','on') | map(attribute='entity_id') | list }}
    off_lights: >
      {{ expand(lights) | selectattr('state','eq','off') | map(attribute='entity_id') | list }}
    on_count: >
      {{ on_lights | length }}
    next_light: >
      {%- if lights == off_lights %}
        {{ lights[0] }}
      {%- elif lights[:on_count] == on_lights and on_lights != lights %}
        {{ lights[on_count] }}
      {%- else %}
      {%- endif %}
  - choose:
    - conditions:
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ next_light != 'off' }}"
      - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: "{{ next_light }}"
    - service: light.turn_off
        entity_id: "{{ on_lights }}"
    - service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: "{{ lights[0] }}"

That’s neat.