Turning switches into climate devices

I have a house that is heated by electric panel ovens. I’m a little surprised to find that this is seemingly an unusual setup here, as it’s the most common way of heating houses in Norway for example, but I digress.

I have a bunch of switches (on/off actuators) that will turn the panel ovens on and off, but for some reason HA insists that they must be “light” switches, which they are obviously not. I would like them to belong to the climate domain in order to have climate control services with them.

So my two questions are: why does HASS think a switch must have anything to do with a light, and how can I rectify this?

Use this:

There is no such thing as light switches in HA. Either it’s a light or a switch. This depends on your device and integration.

You can also use this:

Thank you @FPro, that gets me going in the right direction.