Tutorial Addon missing complete Example

Hi Everybody,
I develop Home-Assistant Addons, I try to understand the Documentation, but sometimes it is difficult to understand how to setup the repository and so on, I am more the working with an Example, but the Current example is a little bit outdated and not complete. Is there anywhere a full configured or a more configured Example for how to setup a Addon which is written in Python?
I tried to look the work in ESPHome but there are working complete different oder another addons where not just start a single service.

what I missed is how to setup the apparmor for an python application, or how to setup a live addon and a dev addon.
How can I handle this with one code base,
ESPHome is using another code deploy strategy but is not so easy to adapt this.

Maybe I had to read the Documentation better or not, and maybe my Question is complete non sense so feel free to delete this post.
but maybe I am not alone.

Want I want is to setup a correct Addon with the correct setup, but I have not so many time so make perfect, so if there are solutions where I can compare and reuse it would be perfect.

I have only dabbled in addon development, but following the examples in the core addon and community addon reps would be my port of call.