Tuya Air Quality Sensor

Tuya Air Quality Sensor (VOC, CO2, Temp, Hum)

Tuya Air Quality Sensor (VOC, CO2, Temp, Hum)


I am fairly new to Home Assistant. I am running HA on a Raspberry Pi 4.

I was wondering if it is possible to connect the Tuya VOC Sensor to HomeAssistant. I am using a Conbee 2 Stick.

If not, can you recommend any other cheep sensors?

Thanks a lot!

Link: https://m.de.aliexpress.com/item/1005002511043244.html?albpd=de1005002511043244&acnt=494-037-6276&aff_platform=aaf&albpg=743612850714&netw=u&albcp=1705854617&sk=UneMJZVf&trgt=743612850714&terminal_id=586abf3d82d94ccf8e3193ce5dc72236&needSmbHouyi=false&albbt=Google_7_shopping&_randl_currency=EUR&src=google&crea=de1005002511043244&_randl_shipto=DE&aff_fcid=820917c559f9498a80d1aabaea43f9c3-1622400239330-09388-UneMJZVf&gclid=Cj0KCQjw78yFBhCZARIsAOxgSx1mzU-Y7rpVYEDl2moIFR8VxDqObElO9WW97hSP2qQeUU8e_elwgKkaAhiqEALw_wcB&albag=67310370915&aff_fsk=UneMJZVf&albch=shopping&albagn=888888&isSmbAutoCall=false&gbraid=0AAAAADznYb8fyOQLFVuQcZnj3gvZkF1r8&aff_trace_key=820917c559f9498a80d1aabaea43f9c3-1622400239330-09388-UneMJZVf&device=m&gclsrc=aw.ds

Here is a list of devices and their compatibility with the various Zigbee gateways. I can’t see the one you linked on there.

i got the tuya zigbee smart air linked but im not 100% the readings are correct

for example my CO2 reads 7 ppm, but when i view the history it reads 43,692

  "manufacturer": "_TZE200_dwcarsat",
  "model": "TS0601",
  "class": "zhaquirks.tuya.air.ts0601_air_quality.TuyaCO2SensorGPP"

Same with mine. I thought the reading may be relative to baseline, but the outliers don’t inspire confidence. Its logs are also very chatting but unhelpful.

I also have this sensor and believe it’s a scam product. Temperature and humidity reading are useful. CO2 level always shows roughly the same value, regardless of the room and ventilation state (where I do see a big difference on other CO2 sensors). The VOC and Formaldehyde readings have always been 0. It’s my impression that for those 3 components the sensor just spits out some random values and it’s not measuring anything. I have not yet tried to open the device up, but I wouldn’t be surprised there are no CO2/VOC sensors in there at all. It wouldn’t be surprising given it’s price point.


I’ve just bought three of these… My current issue is it seems to only show VOC sensor and none of the others (haven’t got to comparing to other sensors yet to see likely accuracy).

After seeing your comment @kozmix I couldn’t resist opening one up to see what’s inside:

If anyone with better hardware insight has any comments I’d love to hear them… is this bogus? If so I’d like to send them back as was a fair few £ to buy a few of them :sweat_smile:


Does somebody know a non-scam alternative?
I found this: LifeControl Air Quality Sensor MCLH-08 Zigbee compatibility
but this does not seem to be available in Germany and I’m not sure if it’s measuring pm2.5 (is that always included in VOC maybe)?

Same here: in HA I see only the VOC sensor. But looking into th zigbee clusters, I can get the other values for Co2, Formaldehyde and so on. And after restarting HA, I got all sensors.
But the actual quirks integration is wrong so the sensor values are garbage. You have to copy ts0601_air_quality.py from [Device Support Request] Tuya Smart Air Detector 6 in 1 · Issue #1563 · zigpy/zha-device-handlers · GitHub

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I have two of these devices and you need to use a tuya zigbee hub to expose all sensors to Home Assistant

I also get spikes on some readings - I suspect that the Tuya app filters out these erroneous figures and we may be able to by using a template sensor or similar

With Zigbee:




Just wondering how to get the remaining readings. I only see VOC in HA.

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