Tuya and Local Tuya doesn't recognize devices

Hi everyone,
Form some reason my Tuya doesn’t recognize my devices.
I did the following steps:

  1. Create developer project (smart home) in Tuya cloud.
  2. Choose central Europe server.
  3. Subscribing to “IoT Core” , “Authorization” , “Smart home scene linkage” , “Device status notification” services.
  4. Link my smart-life app to my project, 26 devices were recognized.

When I installed the Tuya integration in my HA (with the correct id, secret key, email and password) I see no devices. (also no errors in the logs)
Tried to remove the integration, adding again, restarts but nothing.
Non of my devices is recognized.

My setup:

Will be glad to get help.

Do you use the same username/password for the app as for IoT Tuya?
I had the same issue but once I changed my app password to something different and ‘re-integrated’ Tuya, all my devices showed up.

Also, if you add Tuya IoT services manually, you have to authorise them, otherwise you are simply subscribed but the services are not used.

Some updates,
After flashing new hassio and install everything from scratch the Tuya integration detects all my devices BUT!!! The local Tuya doesn’t detect any of them.
I have tried to add couple of the devices manually but it failed.
According to the logs it gets timeout while trying to connect to the device.
Seam like that something is still holds the I.Ps
I tried to remove the regular Tuya integration and close the smart life app and still nothing.
Is anyone can help here?