Tuya Authentication

Hi everyone, every now and then Tuya devices on Hassio need to be authenticated again, having Hassio Cloud with Alexa and Google connected I noticed that the devices on the Alexa app and Google Home get reconfigured and every time I have to put them back in the right room and change the name.

I wonder if there is a way to create a “link” of the Tuya entity as another enity, so even if Hassio for some reason were to remove Tuya at least there is another entity that remains and does not have it removed within Alexa and Google Home.

Hi Matteo, have you seen that with the latest release they have tackled that problem witt Tuya?

FYI: release-20242 → backward-incompatible-changes → Tuya

Look for the new Tuya integration.


Hi, yes I saw however I don’t want to have this problem again in the future that the dispisitives disconnect, so everything should be fine now?

At least it should be better since you don’t have to re-authenticate in the tuya iot developer account.
By switching to local Tuya, you can avoid having to rely on a cloud service.