I have a Tuya based smart plug which works correctly with the standard Tuya integration, but it doesn’t provide power in Home Assistant, while this is correctly reported in the Tuya app. This is the model, which is reported as bhqkxecq6o5qkc52 by the Tuya integration.
Any chance to make it work? I actually need power for the automations this plug is intended to trigger…
Am not using the same plug but other tuya… By default this was showing power in the attributes but since I switched to tuyalocal not really sure anymore, in tuyalocal it is in attributes too
I checked and it’s not in attributes either…
So are there reported cases in which the Tuya integration doesn’t provide all the sensors while Tuyalocal gives a wider set of features? Might be the motivation to invest time in configuring tuyalocal…
I just switched to tuyalocal as I (then) believed it to be ‘local’ and it worked. The main benefit I see/read is that it switches quicker as it goes straight to the local ip instead over tuya cloud…but honestly, for me that would not be worth it…just did it and never went back
Of course no clue if that would help your case…just trying to provide info
Same plug model, bhqkxecq6o5qkc52, ANTELA F1s202-EU, same issue. Power and other energy parameter only available in Smart Life APP and not forwarded to HA.