Tuya BLE integration, includes fingerbot

does any of this fork works with smart curtain robot devices? I succesfully integrated it on my HA with markusg1234 fork but only shows Signal strength

Same! any news on this?

Could you explain how you did it? My door lock only shows one entity

Couple weeks ago something broken and my lock and cubefinger stopped working. I consider because of HA updates. Logs say devices constantly disconnecting, so now integration doesn’t work.

Just got this set up (took some doing, but it started “working”, i.e., being able to discover/configure Tuya BLE devices) and I’m running into the following issue:

I’ve unbound the fingerbot from the Tuya bluetooth gateway and have tried rebooting HA a few times, but everything just shows as greyed out and “unavailable”…

Using the markusg1234 fork on a VM install of HA (2024.6.4) with a BT receiver on the NAS being passed through to the VM. Have other devices connected via the BT receiver (e.g., a switchbot) and they seem to be working fine, so I don’t think it is a hardware issue. The fingerbot in question is located in the same room (garage) as the BT receiver, some 15-20 ft away.


Im using latest HA (see version in pc)

Im unable to add the integration, gets error 500 every time

logs complains about py version

homeassistant.requirements.RequirementsNotFound: Requirements for tuya_ble not found: ['pycountry==22.3.5'].


Logger: homeassistant.util.package
Source: util/package.py:123
First occurred: 11:16:09 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:16:12

Unable to install package pycountry==22.3.5: ERROR: Cannot install pycountry==22.3.5 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies. ERROR: ResolutionImpossible: for help visit https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/topics/dependency-resolution/#dealing-with-dependency-conflicts

Hi, does any tried and did it work with Smart Lock K7 BLE?

I have the same issue entities now suddenly become unavailable