Tuya BLE integration, includes fingerbot

Hello @mchammer, are you using the primary HACS GitHub - PlusPlus-ua/ha_tuya_ble: Home Assistant support for Tuya BLE devices

No, I have not gotten that to work, although I have not tried very hard. I am using the Official cloud Tuya integration.

I plan on coming back to trying Tuya local and the repo you mentioned. I have some other priorities at the moment.

Ok well noted. The issue with my fingerbots which are bluetooth only, I cannot use the new Tuya Cloud Integration as HA cannot communicate directly to these devices… I really hope there is a solution coming out for the Tuya BLE integration as I had crazy automations with these fingerbots and I need them to work.

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You need a Tuya Bluetooth gateway. They are cheap

Hello guys, i need some help. I bougth a door lock handle intending to integrate it to HA using tuya ble integration. I found out that integration supports a couple of locks, but when i connect my lock to ha, it had no any entities. Well, i manually added my lock identificator to devices.py and some other files, after rebooting ha there appeared some entities and for my wonder they are working well excluding two of them. So, battery status and volume level are working properly, but notification alert is not working, it just says “unknown” , and motor state switch when i open lock using fingerprint or code shows up that it unlocked, but when i try to open it using HA, it just switches to position on for a coulpe secs and jumps back to off, so lock has no reaction on it. I tried to trace commands sending through the smartlife app using nrf connect, but im pioneer in that, and dont understand what im looking for. Maybe someone could help me with that? Im using asus a400bt dongle for information. Any help is welcome, thanks.

Edited: Due to other users debug logs in this thread i managed to find out how to add entities i need.

Now i can freely operating my lock and set the duration of being opened.

How i understand theres no matter which id lock has, all of them are based on same api, so all you need is to add your lock id to device list and add some entities taking other devices as example and using debug logs from tinytuya, there was the post from @tpickles , i took his debug information to add entities.

@Lexa2414118 What repo are you using to get this?

Im using repo fork from @raph22

Hey! I used tinytuya and got all the data for my lock, added my lock model to all the files that were related to smart locks but it still only shows the signal strenght.

Do you have any tips for me?

My smart door locks are discovered by TuyaBle, however I get this error even though they are online and registered at Tuya cloud. Any comment how to resolve this issue?

Do you mind explaining how exactly you added the entities?

Hello there. You should not only add your lock id to files, also need to create entities for your lock, cuz it may has incorrect DP’s, so if you debug ur lock with tiny tuya, need to find correct DP’s and replace them to config files of ur tuya ble integration.

(Cross-posting from Smartlife Plant Sensor SGS01 - #10 by almirus for people interested in SGS01 Plant Sensor)

My summary so far, please correct if I’m wrong:

  • localtuya (tuya-local github repo, installed via HACS) added support for SGS01 devices. It needs the Tuya Bluetooth Gateway, since only IP based Devices and no BLE devices are supported directly.
  • ha_tuya_ble (Installation via HACS) follows the approach of Xiaomi BLE - Home Assistant and therefore does not need a Tuya Bluetooth Gateway. A local Bluetooth or a esp32 Bluetooth Proxy will do the trick. It uses the Tuya Cloud Account to retrieve the local_key of a device registered with Smart Life App. The most advanced branch just added SGS01 Devices, see Comparing Raph22:main…DnlKI:main · Raph22/ha_tuya_ble · GitHub

I have some SGS01 lying around. I’m not in developing Home Assistant Plugins, but are able to provide bluetooth traces if somebody can make use of it.

How are you installing the BLE installation? it seems completely broken by now.

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no luck with SGS01 using this repo.

Tuya iot platform project - resources added

device (standard instructions)

smart life app

after connecting with api key (first time)

second attempt - address changed

Temp and hum / battery state in smart life app looking good to me.
Do i miss something obvious?


Any luck getting the Fingerbots to work? I am running into “Config flow could not be loaded: 500 Internal Server Error Server got itself in trouble” when trying to install the Tuya BLE integration via the HACS Repo from PlusPlus-ua… Any pro tips? I’m very new to HA. All help appreciated!

I’m using the repository from @markusg and it’s stable and working. I am running latest version 1aa8603.

He’s still working on it.

I don’t know if I’m being lucky but Mark’s code seems to work for me.

I use code from this form - leonardoleb/ha_tuya_ble yesterday i was able to create this integration.

any solution for this??

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any solution??