I have two Tuya based LED light strip controllers I use to control my kitchen cabinet lights. In my kitchen cabinet automations, I always want the exact same settings applied to each strip… It was easier for wiring to use two controllers. I’m using the standard cloud-based Tuya integration.
What I noticed is every few days, it’s like the controllers get out of whack where one might be on, and the other is off… or the color of one light strip is different than another (LED color temp changes during the evening). It’s almost like either the controllers fall off my wifi and don’t get the message to update (doubtful - but I am now ping monitoring them), or the commands are issued too quickly for them to properly process via the cloud integration.
When I call the light.on service, I include both Tuya controller entities. I’m wondering if there’s some type of potential timing issue and if possibly calling the light.on service individually for each controller separated by say 2-3 second delay, if it might help???
I also tried using a light group helper, and that didn’t help at all. I had the exact same issues.
Or perhaps there’s another trick I’m not thinking about like calling the service twice or something… Thoughts/ideas for me?