Tuya climate eco datapoint

I tried to use Tuya Climate — ESPHome component and it works pretty awesome, just two things do not work for me - setting eco mode, I get Attempt to set datapoint 7 with incorrect type. How can I go about fixing that?
Another thing - would it be possible to disable setting temperature in “OFF” mode? This is obviously device issue, that it does not accept temperature setting while in off mode, but it would be nice to not have option to set it in HA too.

I guess it actually accepts “Low” and “High” as a value

Device board always sets 25C when it comes ON, so workaround for that would be awesome, but I need to look more into when and how it sets 25C as it is kinda weird for now.

Don’t you love it when you get ZERO answers for any questions regarding setting datapoints in Tuya? I’m trying to do the same thing. All I found was this:

Any luck on your end.? Im trying to do the same thing w/ 2 dps that control a climate entity.

It would need custom component.

I think that device expects enum and not boolean, or maybe it is on esphome side, i still do not understand how it works with datapoints and types, but if I’m able to make this auto detectable or as an parameter it might result in not custom component, but PR and then it would be for everyone to use.

I finally figured it out yesterday with selects. And I’m now able to fully use the Tuya climate entity.
Took a while, but persistence paid off. You don’t want to know how much time I spent getting this all working. datapoint type you’re trying to control also matters in a select.

My config file is posted here with the selects if you’re interested

My stove has actual values for ECO and Power, not just different temp points. Sounds like yours might as well,
Let me know if that worked for you. I have an automation that detects when it fails. Random turn offs, pellet hopper fails, power failures all leave it in an non working state. I then reset it and get it working again.

Here’s a pic of it right now as it randomly turned itself off. Temp is > 4 degrees below set point and it’s state was “off” so I know it failed. I kick it back on so we don’t freeze. 15F here right now!

Stove.failure == freezing .house
Fixed.stove == happy.wife
Happy.wife == happy.life

I did it like this GitHub - evlo/esphome-External-Components: esphome External Components not nice, but only way I could. I do not thing selects would help, as there is type inconsistency.

I have taken another look at it and if I understand it correctly the way to handle eco with select is basically to to just set up climate without eco mode and have separate entity outside of the climate component that handles eco mode for tuya mcu

probably with lambdas and select is is possible to have eco mode show in climate, reflect tuya mcu settings and not have custom half working code,

Final ESP32 design completely replaces Tuya TYWE1S Chip · jazzmonger/wood-pellet-stove-with-TYWE1S-Tuya-chip · Discussion #34 · GitHub - so just "link! this somehow to the climate component