Tuya Climate entity has incorrect value from Tuya iOT Platform

I have a climate entity that is showing the incorrect value for current temp. It always says -4 degrees regardless of what the actual temp is. I’ve debugged the entity in the iOT platform, and it has the correct value. How can I get this correct value to show up in my entity in HA???

Its correct here:

But not here, -4 SHOULD be 70:
big house home ass

Any help appreciated.

Hi Jeff, I have the same issue. Have you got any solution?

I do! It’s up to you how deep you want to go.

I went REALLY deep into this…

The discussions area is a good place to start. Ask any questions there:

Jazzmonger, thanks a lot! Change to DP mode in tuya IOT platform and Tuya local solved my problem!

You should post how are you did that here so others that have the same problem they know how to do that. I did not change the DP mode myself.

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