I have just found an issue with light groups and am wondering if you can help. When using the light group I cannot turn the light back white through Google Home. Also when setting back white from changing colour the colour temp won’t come up and the bulb seems to stay that colour instead of becoming white again. All the bulbs are tuya smart bulbs using the NEW tuya service.
Hmm… are you linking your Google Home and tuya bulbs through the Tuya app or through home assistant?
What I mean by this is, is that there is a few ways now on how you can expose Tuya devices to Google Home:
Linking Google Home directly to the Tuya cloud services, especially through another component like Google home.
Linking your Google home to home assistant and having HA control the Tuya device.
If being able control the bulbs verbally through GH is the higher priorty, I would use #1. You might get better results this way.
But if you want better automation control then use #2. Just keep in mind that the Tuya and HA may not communicate as precisely as you may want it to control colors, and temperature especially when trying to do it through another component like google home.
I have the same problem. I cannot turn tuya bulbs colors through Alexa calling the group that was created in HA. I just can do it if I call the group created in Alexa.
Did you find a way to solve it?