As mentioned on the documentation i have put in yamal file:
# Uart definition to talk to MCU dimmer
tx_pin: GPIO1
rx_pin: GPIO3
stop_bits: 1
baud_rate: 9600
# Register the Tuya MCU connection
but I’m not abale to find the Datapoint of switch and dimm… this is the log:
[17:32:22][C][uart:145]: UART Bus:
[17:32:22][C][uart:147]: TX Pin: GPIO1
[17:32:22][C][uart:150]: RX Pin: GPIO3
[17:32:22][C][uart:152]: Baud Rate: 9600 baud
[17:32:22][C][uart:153]: Stop bits: 1
[17:32:22][C][uart:155]: Using hardware serial interface.
[17:32:22](Message skipped because it was too big to fit in TCP buffer - This is only cosmetic)
[17:32:22][C][tuya:024]: Tuya:
[17:32:22](Message skipped because it was too big to fit in TCP buffer - This is only cosmetic)
[17:34:09][I][ota:046]: Boot seems successful, resetting boot loop counter.
does anyone have any suggestions to give me? the hardware is that:
With Tasmota and SerialSend5 I can now adjust all brightness levels: off 0% -> SerialSend5 FF 55 00 05 DC 0A on 100% -> SerialSend5 FF 55 FF 05 DC 0A
0 - 100% -> SerialSend5 FF 55 xx 05 DC 0A
Exposes the light to HA and manage well the phisical switch but this script is dome before the ESPhome Tuya support.
I would like to try the new Tuya support to simplify the scropt
Whilst the WiFi ESP2866 daughter board is a standard Tuya module - the serial comms to the MCU for the dimmer isn’t the same Tuya protocol used in many other Tuya dimmers. Even the tasmota option uses a custom script to send the serial comms rather than the tuya serial option.