Hi there,
I have here a tuya door sensor and added this to my home assistant.
But now I have the issue, that the sensor is saved as a switch, so I cannot see if the door is closed or opend.
Is there a workaround to change the setting, so I can see the current state of the door with this sensor?
How did you add it to HA?, as sensors isn’t currently supported in the integration.
There is currently support for the following device types within Home Assistant:
* **Climate** - The platform supports the air conditioner and heater.
* **Cover** - The platform supports curtains.
* **Fan** - The platform supports most kinds of Tuya fans.
* **Light** - The platform supports most kinds of Tuya light.
* **Scene** - The device state in frontend panel will not change immediately after you activate a scene.
* **Switch** - The platform supports switch and socket.
Yes, there is https://github.com/rospogrigio/localtuya, but still no sensor support as of yet, I use this instead of the built-in integration as the response time for switch state changes is instant.
As a work around, I have a “Smart” automation setup within the native app for my sensor to trigger a switch which is integrated into HA and use the state change of the switch for my automations.