Tuya energy monitoring only updating when app is open?


It’s amazing to see that the Tuya integration works flawlessly in case of sockets switching on and off. I’ve got some Tuya sockets that has an OFF state after a power outage and no way to set that to “on” natively, so HA makes things a bit more interesting :stuck_out_tongue:

Now, Tuya has amazing energy consumption meters and I’ve got those setup in HA. However, it seems that the sensors only update when I have the Tuya / Smartlife app open and particularly the “electric” page. It updates almost directly. Can I set this somewhere or am I missing something?

I’m using the Tuya integration with the Cloud api, so no local devices here.

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I have the same exact problem with a Tuya Wi-Fi plug. I can control the on and off states through HA but the sensors (power, voltage and current) only update when the Tuya mobile app is open on
My cell phone…

Hmm…created a feedback request at Smartlife/Tuya, but don’t think i’m gonna get an answer soon :smiley:

Did you ever find a solution for this?

Nope, unfortunately it’s kinda useless like this
Tuya never answered

Found my own solution. Local Tuya aallows you to set a polling rate for the device, set that to 60seconds and now I get updates every 60 seconds.

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What do you mean by Local Tuya?

Custom component that handles the communication locally instead of through the Tuya API. The API is just used to get the device data needed to set everything up easily, then never used again.

They have installation instructions there. It’s fully local and you can define any exposed data as sensor/switch/etc.

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Only issue is that Zigbee devices are not supported at the moment (however there are forks where this has been added).

EDIT: forgot to mention I have the exact same issue with my Zigbee plugs, my Wi-Fi sockets are already on localtuya, and work perfectly.

I’m on the same boat… I have 1 Tuya WIFI Smart Plug and 8 Tuya ZigBee Smart Plugs, and the WIFI version is setup using LocalTuya, where I can just set the scan interval to whatever I want, but the ZigBee versions cannot be added so I have to use their official integration where updates are sent sporadically which can be everything between seconds to hours…

Did you ever figure this out?

No, I connected my Blitzwolf BW-SHP13 plugs directly to HA/Zigbee2MQTT via a Conbee II plug. However I prefer to keep the official app (so LocalTuya can work in parallel with Tuya Smart), with the current situation I had to make this sacrifice. This way the update is really quick and compared to an energy meter, the measured values are correct. Maybe one day when LocalTuya will be Zigbee capable or the official integration will be able to handle the devices locally (and not via cloud), I will move all of them back to Tuya Smart and use one of the mentioned methods parallel.

Same issue here with Aubess Smart Socket zEM. No Current, Power and voltage sensors update when Smart Life app is closed. All sensors are update after app is opend. Socket control is always working, no effect if Smart Life is open or not.
@Riddle, still no feedback I assume?

I went on using LocalTuya which is a bit better, but I ended up using Zigbee sockets with the Sonoff USB stick in HA after all. Much quicker and pain free :slight_smile:

Hello guys, did you find a solution?
I have 2 devices tuya wifi: a socket Aubess whith power metering, and a CT energy meter. The first one works quite well, but the CT works only with app Tuya opened… I’m getting crazy

Same promblem here - plugs, lights on / off - status update immediately…
Smart plug - power, voltage only report when starting Tuya / Smar Life app.

Home Assistant 2023.2.4
Supervisor 2023.01.1
Operating System 9.5
Frontend 20230202.0 - latest

@hollowandi didn’t find a setting in the local tuya integration to set 60 s refresh?

It’s the scan interval here at the bottom

Set it to 60

It does not working on my setup. I have set it to 10 seconds, but power updates come with huge gaps from one wi-fi relay and a smart plug (both works with Tuya v3.4 protocol), but the same “Scan interval” option works fine for my other 2 smart plugs (with Tuya v3.3 protocol).

And when I open Tuya app - the relay data starts to update with higher frequency (~5 seconds between updates), and data stops updating when I close Tuya app.

Which protocol version do you use with bad monitoring devices? v3.3? v3.4?

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Hello, same problem for me. Have you found solutions? Thanks

same problem to me. zigbee plug not reports it power usage statistics only when entering the device from the tuya app.

Same problem. Sensors from smart plug update very quick when smartlife app is open and about 35s when is not open.
It is interesting that when the socket turns on, the current update appears after about 35s, and when it turn off, it appears after a much shorter time, about 10s
I’m interested in monitoring current or power to create automations, but it doesn’t seem possible under these conditions.