Tuya integration error with 2024.4.3


I have Tuya integration in Home Assistant & was working fine. Today I did core update to 2024.4.3
After this, I get error with Tuya.

It gives the following error

When I click it. I get the following screen.


Can some one tell me how to get this work please?

And what is the error message after you did the step with the QR code with Tuya or SmatLife app/?

I just needed to re-scan the QR and then all were fine…

This is where I use to scan the QR

It gives like following no matter how many times I scan the QR

there seems to be intermittent issues with the cloud side - TUYA Cloud doesn't always respond, leading to incorrect device state, and devices showing as unavailable. · Issue #115344 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

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