Hello everyone,
I have quite a few Tuya devices, mostly ceiling lights and the occasional power outlet.
After I “quit” with Tuya and Zigbee and tried fumbling with HA + Zigbee, which failed, I want to “return” to Tuya and Zigbee. I got my “old” Tuya Zigbee gateway out of the box, installed and configured it, connected 3 motion sensors, and they all work fine. They are all in the same room, nothing fancy.
In Home Assistant, though, they are not updating their status, at all.
So I have this motion sensor, for example, which I installed yesterday and it went to “recognized” in HA, but would never reset:
This one goes even as far back as four days, minimum:
In the Smart Life app, though, I see that a lot happened today (screenshots of 3 devices, left and right are often the same because they are facing the same direction, but there’s sometimes a 1s delay inbetween):
Now I reloaded the Tuya integration and it’s now showing the motion sensor as “normal” (unoccupied), but the history says that it’s always been occupied?
115 hours indeed:
So now I’m wondering … what the hell is going on?
You might ask whether I did that update to the Tuya app 2-4 months ago where they changed the login process, and the answer is yes.
I am also running the latest version of HA: