I know this is exclusively an American problem, but I have a Pioneer WYT mini split thats connected to the Tuya integration through the smart life app. Everything seems to be working fine except that it displays the target temp incorrectly. After examining the actual temps versus the displayed temps I’ve determined it is receiving the temp from the mini split in Fahrenheit, then performing the conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit on that number, resulting in the incorrect value.
Is there a way to force HA or the Tuya integration to properly display the correct number. I can’t find a solution anywhere.
I wanted to bring this back up as it is still an issue. I was hoping with the release of 2024.2 that it may have been resolved, but that is not the case. The Tuya Smart app (android) shows everything correctly and works fine. Pretty much is the same as the Pioneer Airlink app. However, the target temperature and the humidity are not working on the tuya integration for HA.
The humidity just shows 0% all the time. That may be because it doesn’t report that since I don’t see it anywhere in the app either.
The target temperature, from what I can tell, takes the reading from the app (which is in F), reads it as if it was in C, and then converts it to F again. For example, the app shows 70F. In HA, it reads it as 70C and converts it to F, giving you a reading of 158 ((70*9/5)+32).
I am having the same problem with other brands of HVAC devices through Tuya as well… This is a fresh install as of today.
I experimented, and if I set the HVAC to read in C, then HA shows the correct temperature in F. It looks like the logic is set to assume that the temp always returns in C, even if the unit is set to F.
Is there any way to somehow put this into the actual climate entity code so it reports the correct temp and I don’t have to use the template sensor to do this?