Tuya Integration Switches after Upgrade

Good Evening,

Today I updated my Core (core-2021.10.6) & Supervisor (supervisor-2021.10.0) this broke my existing TUYA integration.

After working out I had to sign up for Tuya IoT for Tuyav2 for the new way of working I managed to add back in my devices.

However, now my switches will not Toggle between on/off using a button (Switch: Toggle). It will switch on but I can’t switch off and vice versa using Switch: Toggle.

However, If I call the switch.turn_on then that works fine and if I Call the Switch: Turn off then that works o.k too.

Any ideas? Otherwise, it will be adding an On Button and an Off Button for each of my switches.

same here… so bad.

I also had the problem and the solution was to subscribe to “device status notification”, since by default it didn’t subscribe

Extracted from https://github.com/tuya/tuya-home-assistant/discussions/113#discussioncomment-1036605 :

Go to Cloud/My Services/All Services and search for “device status notification”
You can then subscribe to it and add your project to it.

I had to restart HA and now it works perfectly…