Tuya integration with Home Assistant

Hi Guys,

I`m just a starter with Home Assistant on Docker:
Hostname odroidxu4
Operating System Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Docker version 20.10.1
HA: Version 2020.12.7
Bulbs: Polux Wifi bulbs ST64 Amber

So far is working all like I would expect it. But having issues with Tuya light bulbs I have setup in the Application. So I can see them fine in the Tuya App, but if I add the integration to HA, than its showing me only 1 smart controler, but not any of the bulbs.

Are those light bulbs not be able to integrate with HA or is there a ways I can see what devices I get back from the Tuya API ?

I`m not sure where to start, but would like to use the bulbs as well in HA.

Thanks for any help.

Hi Daniel,

The issue with Tuya is that they themselves have to “expose” those bulbs via their cloud API. I would imagine it would be up to the manufacturer whether they allow it or not. I gave up on Tuya for this reason.

All my Tuya stuff is flashed with Tasmota firmware as I had the same issue. The only way around it is to use scenes. As far as I can remember, scenes always show up in HA. You create a scene to turn a bulb on and another to turn it off, then use the scene in HA. The only issue (as far as I can remember) is it was a bit slow sometimes.


Hi Simon,

I came across the same and i flashed all the bulbs with Tasmota. The integration with HA is very simple if the Autodiscovery is enable on the bulbs “SetOption19 1” they are than auto discovered in HA and ready for use. Its even fast so I always see no delay, but this could be I`m running it on XU4 on EMMC which is faster. With the SD Card it was just a nightmare :slight_smile: Just need to check some issues with Wireless connectivity on my Asus Router after restart, but this I will figure out. Thanks for the advice. Its just working fine and China will not have my details -> even better :slight_smile:
