Tuya local- how to change default energy update/poll speed

I’m working on getting accurate energy consumption data. I would love live (to the second) updating, but I suspect I would need to mqtt that volume of data, and with the number of energy monitoring devices I have it may be an issue.

My Meross plugs are great, and the integration has an easily accessible option to change the update interval- I currently use 10 seconds which gives me nice granular data.

The Tuya stuff on the other hand only gives me 2 minutely info. Not great for stuff like microwaves, washing machines etc which don’t have a constant draw.

What am I missing? I’ve trolled through all the configs in the Tuya-local cfg files in custom components, and gone hunting everywhere else but can’t seem to win! Nowhere can I see and update interval string or anything remotely related.

Also, it seems that the energy data (for my grid connect GPO outlets at least) is a bit random and doesn’t seem to reset to zero daily. Again, the Meross integration is perfect.