Tuya mini Smart switch - Tasmota

Hi everyone, Is possible install tasmota to tuya mini Smart switch ?

I found it on chipset. Unfortunately don’t see information on the web.

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I would say yes (TYWE2S Module Datasheet-Documentation-Tuya Developer) , you can quickly give it a try with tuya convert

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Did you flash it? Worked?

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any updates? I have a similar device and i want to install Tasmota or Esphome on it. It seems to be a ESP8285 at its base.
Also the board isnt listed in Libre Tuya 💻 Boards & CPU list - LibreTuya

Hey, I have a handfull of the same devices with TR6260S1 chip. I was unable to flash them with esptools. I don’t get anything on the serial except some garbage after pulling RST to ground.
I found a datasheet on the TR6260S1 and I fear this is some proprietary chip, not ESP8266 compatible.

Any help getting rid of the dodgy tuya cloud is very appriciated

It can be done now: How To Guide - Tuya CloudCutter with ESPHome Libretuya - No soldering | digiblurDIY

I did my first mini smart switch last night. Still need to tweak the yaml to add the switch button, but it now has a basic config and can now be updated over the air.

Unfortunately it’s not esp nor a chip supported by openbeken/libretuys
I have the same one, and i did a swap with esp-02s

Seems they change chips faster then some people change girlfriends :smiley:

Mine had a a CB2S which is a bk7231n which is supported (CB2S Module Datasheet-Tuya IoT Development Platform-Tuya Developer)

Hi all, i’m working with devices like this one. I’ve found some different boards inside same box and want to share conclusion:
ESPbased Devices use TYWE2s (ESP8285) MCU and are compatible with Tasmota/ESPhome, but requires soldering to use a serial flasher. In this case we shoult pay attention to GPIOs involved on boot process of MCU (if we dont control them the flashing procedure can not be activated) even with a compatible MCU.
Beken Devices with CB2s Can be flashed with cloud cutter, but finally we depend on open beken firmware and we could need extra featured not included. Thats why i’m replacing that MCU by an TYWE2S, with some investigation and changes, because both are pin compatible but boot afected GPIOs dont have same behaviour. I habe veen trying some configurations to finnaly get it working properly.
Beken devices with MCU integrated on main board in this case MCU is not a separated board and can not be replaced, so we can only use them with cloud cutter and a beken coimpatible firmware like OpenBeken

Sample of second option with Aubess smart switch with Power metering flashed with Tasmota

I’m working on a tutorial but dont have an estimation date to finish it, :).

This devices have also unused GPIO Pins and you can add some sensors of your choice, increasing funcionality according your needs, here a sample adding IR Transmitter, and I2C bus with light temp and humid sensors, applied to controll legacy air conditioner with custom compilated Tasmota Firmware:

Hi Abarba8,
I have a similar device, with XY-WE2S-A V1.1 (TYWE2s). To enable programming on this device, both RST and GPIO0 need to be grounded, but GPIO0 is on the botton side of the board, and need to be removed to connect to GND.
In your image, I wath only 5 cables, please confirm relation between board and serial programmer:
RST - GND ??
GPIO0 Not required?

The chip is TR620 series, not ESP
You’ll need to swap with esp chip

Hi, Kima_IOT

I don’t know XY WE2S A chip, but seems to be a variant of tuya beken chips, not ESP as I understand reading some posts about it (there is not much info).

Assuming XY WE2S A is a Tuya chip, this is my opinion (i’m not an expert, try to conclude reading more).

ESP and Beken chips are pin comipatible with some adaptations, but are not software compatible, so you won’t be able to use esphome or tasmota if you don’t replace the chip with an ESP02S (cheap and easy to do).

You have also the chance of using Open Beken without replace the chip, flashing it folowing tuya beken instructions. There is a tool called cloud cutter allowing you flash your beken devices without soldering wires: GitHub - tuya-cloudcutter/tuya-cloudcutter: A tool that disconnects Tuya IoT devices from the cloud, allowing them to run completely locally.

If you finally decide replace the chip, dont conect (sold) cen pin of ESP02S to the main board and sold a wire to GPIO0 to connect it to ground at boot to enter on flashing mode (normal flashing procedure on ESP that you can find on lots of posts and docs). Reset pin is intended to reset the chip activating it with a phisical button and can be useful but depending on your main board could need rewiring and adding a new button to your device.
I expect this post to be usefull for you and sorry for the delay (I have not seen the notification).

I know this is an old thread, but this info could be interesting to those monitoring it.
OpenBeken is now available for TR6260S1, and specifically for XY-WE2S-A.

See here for the TR6260 flashing guide and here for info about XY-WE2S-A

(BTW I hadn’t noticed it’s my first post here! Hello to everyone!)