Tuya motion sensor is not supported in Home Assistant

After the 2023.12 update the ping integration does not detect my motion sensor the way it used to. I even made an automation based on the officail ping documentation but it would not pick up my motion sesnor every time like it used to via yaml code. Anybody got the motion sesnor working right with the new ping integration?

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I’m experiencing the same issue; the sensors stopped working after the last update.

Right now I moved to Node-RED and it’s ping feature, it works as it should.


Hello @DominikW
Can you please elaborate on this flow?
I found the ping, but which IP do I use, just the local IP?
And I found the switch, but why is the switch there if I may ask?, and why two outputs combined into one? And how do I add a second output?
I can’t find my tuya PIR though, I think I need the HomeAssistant Sensor here, but I it asks me to create a new sensor, but I just want to select my Tuya PIR?
You see, having a very hard time with NR here.

Screenshot from 2024-01-05 00-51-50

Many thanks in advance

The IP is the local IP adress of your motion sensor, I have it at as I set it in my DHCP server. The switch I’m not certin is needed, but for some reason without it I would it would not work as I wanted it to.


The new sensor is a binery sensor with device class motion, if you delete the old integration you can probablly use the same name in the new node-red sensor so you don’t have to change anything in automations of frontend.

Thank you for explaining. But it is not for me, Node Red (not you, don’t get me wrong) is super vague and user-like-me unfriendly :rofl:
I now use this perfect and easy-peasy workaround: