Tuya - no data in HA, APP ok

I have two Tuya devices (Air quality), I can monitor the two units via the “Smart Life” APP on my Android device. I have installed the integration in HA, and everything seems to be ok. I get data from the cloud environment, but after some time I can’t get new data, now e.g. data is 3 days old. If I restart HA, I have seen that data is coming in again, but stops after a few hours.
Is there a limit on how often the integration can pull data, and if - where to find it?

curious as well… its been nothing but trouble since the ‘official tuya’ …

my lights are constantly not available in ha now.

I have now received data in 24 hours, it might be because I have updated to 2021.12.6 from 2021.12.5 ?

did you try to reload the tuya integration , everyone is having the same issue with tuya v2

In a way yes, I updated to newest version of core and thereby did a reboot. I still get data :slight_smile: