Tuya smart curtain motor on esp32?

I recently set up switchbot on an esp32 that controls and reports my switchbot curtain beautifully. I followed

It is based on the github

I have other curtains that I could automate. However, the switchbot is a little too pricey for me currently, as I would need 4 motors.

So I have looked at the tuya smart curtain motor that is much cheaper. This is advertised as Bluetooth so, given Tuya integration is not great unless you flash firmware, I was considering the esp32/mqtt route for these too. However, I have no experience of working with mqtt and firmware to create code. Would it be simple to adapt the existing esp32 code in the switchbot/mqtt integration?

I realised that the tuya seem to be zigbee not bluetooth so question is irrelevant

Long time since I posted this but I made a mistake. I did purchase these. These are bluetooth and I do not have them in home assistant yet.

So I am still trying to find a way of integrating as just using Tuya integrations adds these with no states/actions associated. It looks like ESPHome may be an option if anyone has managed to integrate such curtain robots.