Tuya Smart Downlight rgb trouble

Hey all first time poster apologize in advance if this is in the wrong category
im still very new to home assistant

my problem is relating to my tuya smart downlights which do rgb and cct
some info
i run HA cloud and have google home integration running fine
i have made light groups with my lights all
i can control the downlights fully from lovelace

when i use google home to verbally command i can control brightness and temperature of white
if i instruct google to change color to green google will announce color has changed But it hasn’t
if i go into the tuya app or lovelace and manually set green, now when i ask google to change color it will work, once i ask google to change to white i am unable to change to colors again unless i manually select the first color

is there something i can add to my config to instruct to change to color
apologize for the wording
attatched is my configuration.yaml

  - platform: switch
    name: Xmas Light Switch
    entity_id: switch.xmas_lights_socket_1

  - platform: group
    name: Kitchen Accent
      - light.kitchen_rgb
      - light.kitchen_rgb_2
      - light.kitchen_rgb_3

  - platform: group
    name: Patio Accent
      - light.rope_lights
      - light.rope_lights_2
      - light.xmas_light_switch

  - platform: light
    name: Lounge Room Lights
      - light.main_lounge_room_light
      - light.main_lounge_room_light_2
      - light.main_lounge_rgb

  - platform: light
    name: Dining Room Lights
      - light.dining_room_light
      - light.dining_room_light_2

  - platform: light
    name: Bedroom Lights
      - light.main_bedroom_light
      - light.main_bedroom_light_2