Tuya Smart Immersion Switch

Since the last update, I’ve noticed that the Tuya integration is not working as well. The automations on my TimeGuard FSTWiFiTU immersion switch still work but the status is not always reflected properly in the Home Assistant Overview or Dashboards.

Also, if I use the dashboard switch during a running automation to switch the heater on, it works but the visual display reverts to off. To actually turn the heater off again, I have to click the toggle switch twice before it has time to revert to off again.

Has anyone else had this issue?

The Tuya integration has stopped completely.
On examining the Tuya IOT Platform, it appears that the 30-day Trial Cloud development has expired and that I can only re-enable it if I upgrade to a Flagship Edition or Corporate Edition at the cost of $25000 or $50000 respectively - a bit pricey!
Have I missed something here in the configuration that avoids this issue, or have the terms and conditions of the Tuya IOT platform changed since the Home Assistant Integration help was written?

Nothing to do with the update. As supected, the services were disabled at the Tuya IOT Platform end. I had to request an extension and selected the 6 month option. It looks like I will now be OK until October. However, I wonder if there is a simpler way to integrate Tuya via another service that is already linked?
It’s a bit of a pain having to renew this every 6 months to keep it working.