Tuya smart locks unsupported?

Hey everyone,

I have a bluetooth Tuya smart lock, as well as a Tuya Bluetooth / Zigbee to Wi-Fi gateway. The lock (which is connected to the gateway) shows up in Home Assistant as unsupported. I read the documentation and I hear that the Tuya integration does not yet support smart locks, is this feature planned / do we have a timeline? Is there any way of getting the lock to work?



Which one?

Smart ones :slight_smile:

Joke aside, for tuya Bluetooth Gateway related stuff, i am relying on alexa to be intermediate coordinator between home assistant and tuya.

Using it for a fingerbot and battery doorbell.

There’s nothing smart about Tuya devices.

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Sorry guys, brain fart: I thought I specified! It connects to the gateway via bluetooth. It can also connect directly to the app via bluetooth to the phone. Like this one.

With current tuya integration, i can access my fingerbot inside home assistant. it has also connected to gateway as you described.

For unsupported tuya products, it is either using legacy protocol and tuya needs to standardize it or someone needs to include it in home assistant.

Until then, if you have alexa connection to your home assistant and if you have alexa connection with tuya to manage your lock, you can set some input helpers to sync.

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Hello community.

Any luck with this device, using HA and not Alexa? I am trying to find more info but unfortunately there’s not a lot available.

Hi guys, I had a similar problem before, I have a water timer valve, (bluetooth connected to a BT hub aswell), I found that adding a scene (tap to run in my case) on the tuya app will create a scene on home assistant if you have the tuya integration installed. Then you can create a on/off or logic inside the scene of the tuya app. Unfortunately you can’t see then current state of the device, but at least you can controll it. Hope it helps.


I tried you suggestion and it did show up in HA, but it wouldn’t trigger the event. Did yours trigger an event? I can’t seem to come up with a way to get it working. But, you made a great suggestion. I just ended up split screen my tablet with a browser and Tuya app running at the same time. Not a very elegant solution, but it works.

Yes, under scene.* at entities, if you click on it would let you activate the scene. Mine does work, I added it at dashboard.

This is weird, when I wrote the last message, the scenes wouldn’t work. But, today I redid them, and now they do. Thanks for the quick replay.

I was able to use the tap to scene function on a tuya door lock by a company called Geek Tale. But the tap to scene for another deadbolt lock does not support locking and unlocking. Is there a way to trick HA into thinking the tuya deadbolt lock has the same functions as the Geek Life door lock?

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@ESmall I thought the Geek Tale or Geek Life door lock used TTLock not Tuya.?

Hi, there is new custom integration for Tuya Bluetooth (Thanks to @PlusPlus-ua and all his efforts to get smart locks included in this integration )
if anyone has one of tuya ble smart lock please try this with yours and share your results, my HA is installed on an old laptop i dont trust the bluetooth range, i would like to see the result for others, Thanks!
check it out at link below:

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Can you please share a screenshot of the scene? I try to create for my smart lock to get notifications with scenes to my HA and they don’t show up

Does anyone know if this lock by tuya is supported.https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804195194942.html?spm=a2g0n.shopcart.0.0.6fc638daGOsD5x&mp=1&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa
