I followed the TuYa configuration guide and setup and created a developer account on TuYa IoT platform, included all the necessary permissions , connected the app. All seems to work fine.
The only problem is, the smart roller blinds is missing functionality. As you can see in the screenshot the ‘open’ control is greyout. Doesn’t matter if the roller blind is opened or closed, it always stays disabled.
If I go to the ‘Debug device’ on the Tuya IoT Platform, I do see that the roller blind does have these controls and if I choose ‘open’ and click ‘Send intrusction’ it works perfectly fine
Am I missing something?
Also, the minimum required ‘Device Notification Status’ permission is enabled for this account, like mentioned in the documentation.
My HA version: Home Assistant 2023.4.1
Frontend 20230406.1 - latest