Tuya Smart WiFi Water Valve, Flow Rate And Water Meter

I’ve recently came across this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007329583670.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.83.7d106e65DoXRcf&algo_pvid=4287c963-2e6a-4db2-9ab2-60a7d71388d0&algo_exp_id=4287c963-2e6a-4db2-9ab2-60a7d71388d0-41&pdp_npi=4%40dis!BGN!471.43!330.00!!!257.16!180.01!%402103854617208679063414842e8490!12000040290011451!sea!BG!0!AB&curPageLogUid=AOgMLsaVbr1J&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A

Has anyone used it in HA? Is there a way to “esp-ize” it (i.e. not use the tuya cloud & integration)?

Considering the price… any alternatives?

Hi, nice nickname!
You may want to delete the first question mark and everything after that in that link. Nobody really wants to hit a tracking or affiliate code, so you would have a much better chance of someone actually looking at the thing you are asking about.
As is, personally, I won’t click that.

There is this zigbee version that I see that may be what most are looking for in one:


I haven’t placed any “affiliate” links, or whatever. Just copied the link from the browser and pasted it in the question. Sheeesh… paranoia ?

Personally I was looking for a way to both read the water usage and be able to close/open the mains.

You may not see all the BOTS and weirdness that shows up here in the forums, but there’s a lot.
Yes, paranoia tends to keep us all safe.
You don’t have to add an affiliate link to pass one on that you have gathered in your search. Often the spm= thing is a affiliate link. (But not always)

As per your question I have no idea because I don’t know what that is.