Tuya smartplug: only detailled energy monitoring when app is open?

Hi everybody,

I just received some cheap tuya (wifi) powerplugs

I wasn’t expecting much from them, but they seems to be OK

The smartplugs are connected to HASS by the out-of-the-box Tuya Integration (no local-tuya)

Now if I compare my Tuya plug (1) with a Shelly plug (2):

On first sight, things seems to be OK, but if you take a closer look: the Shelly plug gives much more detailled information.

Of course, you can’t compare Shelly with Tuya, but the strange thing is:

If I have the Tuya app open on my phone ((1) and (3)), I receive the much more detailled statistics in HASS than if I close the Tuya app on my phone (2)
So it seems that the Tuya appliance is reporting much more detailled if the app is open!

Can somebody confirm this?
Is there a way to have my smartplug always send detailled reports to the cloud?

Kind regards,

I just configured Local Tuya, same problem here: smart plug only reports detailled when Tuya app is open on my phone and showing electricity there.
Good thing is that you probably send some command to the device to publish sensor values in shorter intervals. Trick is: what command and how to publish…

Here is a better graph:

same consumer (fridge), and plugs are plugged in to each other.
(1) TUYA