Tuya string light (Christmas lights) Scene/Settings options

I purchased Tuya compatible chritmas lights and have configured the new integration to use them. The only thing is it only exposes ‘on’-‘off’ states, colour changing and nothing else.

I was hoping to be abe to trigger the built in chase scenes or activate the music mode via HA. Is there a way to expose these extra options with the current integration?

Does anyone know if the Tuya Local integration would expose these extra features?

Everything works as expected via the smart life app (other than it being very slow to update states sometimes).

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Did you ever find a solution to this? I just added some string lights through the Tuya integration and I’m hitting the same problem. Can only toggle on and off. No color/brightness settings.

No, never got this working.

I had a bit more luck with the TuyaLocal integration which had some scenes and can switch between the basic modes but not the exact ones that are triggered from the remote.

I’ve bought one today and my solution is to use a Broadlink RM to send commands to the strip.
The only you have to do is to make Broadlink learn each button from the remote,then u can use it in HA
I’m going to make an interface on Home assistant with commands and some Alexa routines,like 'play Xmas music’s and so

Im a bit late to this party - but I started looking for the same thing and found this

LSC Smart Connect - Christmas Lights /localtuya - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)

It is a bit involved to get the correct commands, but once you have figured it out the template makes it heaps easier. The Tuya devices do need to be set in local tuya though

2 years down the line and this issue still exists, I have created an issue for it so maybe you could help bump it so the devs will look into it:

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