Tuya Switch not showing up HA 85.1: Lonsonho switch doesn't work

Hey Community,

I bought an Lonsonho (Smart Life Tuya) Plug and setup the tuya app and platform in my configuration.yaml accordingly, but after rebooting there is no switch shown in Homeassistant.



  username: '[email protected]'
  password: 'password'
  country_code: '49'
  platform: 'tuya' 

→ also tried to setup the switch in the Smart Life app and changed that line accordingly, but nothing changed

Does anyone know why this doesn’t work? Do i have to use the custom component and set a switch with local_key or is it automatically discovered? My System is: HA 85.1 running on RPi 3, no custom_component for tuya loaded yet and the services force_reload and pull_devices is callable but doesn’t works.

I need your help HomeAssistantPros=)

platform: ‘tuya’ = “Tuya Smart” (on google play at least).
platform: ‘smart’ = “Smart Life - smart living”
platform: ‘jinvoo_smart’ = “Jinvoo Smart”

I suspect you want the middle one.

Thanks, i tried the smart_life comment but that doesnt work either, also tried smart but no luck:/

no idea if it makes a different - remove the ’ around everything

But it is possible it isn’t supported by the integration

I will try🤗 thanks for your help, hope there will be some support soon.

Will also try the TuyOTA from git, do someone have experience with the OTA tuya to tasmota way?

Well, for everyone searching for an solution for their Tuya Switches: try this:

Works like charm only inbuild led doesnt work like expected! Thanks to SynAckFin, youre the best!:):slight_smile:

Whats tuya devices are compatibles?

I have a power strip (3 connector and USB)

Till now only a handful are reported to work, but i tried it with the lonsonho plug and it works to, look at the git to get the information=)

To get the official tuya component working I had to re register a tuya account using my mobile number rather than email address.

alas no light switches yet…

I register with mobile number. I have a power strip. I don’t get the device.

How I can check if HA connected with Tuya or the device is supported?