TuYa TS011F_plug_3 turning off?

I have this TuYa TS011F_plug_3 plug which turns on and then almost immediately turns off again. It’s paired fine in zigbeemqtt. On the zigbeemqtt page it does list functionality is so-so, but this seems strange behaviour.

I’ll try to reconfigure i guess, but if anyone has any tips on getting this to work?

What version of z2m are you running? I also have some TS011F plugs and latest update had some fixes/enhancements for polling state: https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/releases

Hmm good to know. I’d love for it to work. Is your the affected version of reduced functionality as per z2m docs (named _plug_3) or is it the regular one? I’m running 1.23-01.

Are you running edge branch ?

I thought about hooking it up to a tuya zigbee bridge or something (which i don’t have) so it would update firmware, but if there’s a way of not doing that that would be preferred :wink:

Yes I have some ‘plug_3’s and some others. Not running edge branch. They all work fine for on/off but one has doesn’t work for the power consumption and never has. I was thinking to repair to see if that fixed it but haven’t got round to it yet.

After updating z2m i did use the ‘reconfigure’ button for all my tuya sockets, just in case that forced any of the new stuff to get picked up.