G’day all,
Im trying to get my new Tuya blinds - tubular motor into Home Assistant. The AOK one was no issue but I have just received 8 of another brand. The Tuya connect pulls them through with everything else that is working perfectly in Tuya - but these 8 blinds state :
Device info
Tubular Motor (unsupported)
by Tuya
“product_id”: “uzinxci0”,
“product_name”: "Tubular Motor ",
Then under “Device”
Device info
Tubular Motor (unsupported)
by Tuya
And I get no entities.
Anyone had any similar issues with Tuya blind motors? Or can point me in the right direction. The issue is blind specific not pushing through any entities/controls. They work fine from the Tuya/smartlife app. Anything to update/edit/try?
“data”: {
“endpoint”: “https://openapi.tuyaeu.com”,
“auth_type”: 0,
“country_code”: “61”,
“app_type”: “smartlife”,
“mqtt_connected”: true,
“disabled_by”: null,
“disabled_polling”: false,
“name”: “Blind 1”,
“model”: “”,
“category”: “cl”,
“product_id”: “uzinxci0”,
“product_name”: "Tubular Motor ",
“online”: true,
“sub”: true,
“time_zone”: “+08:00”,
“active_time”: “2022-05-25T11:00:33+00:00”,
“create_time”: “2022-05-25T11:00:33+00:00”,
“update_time”: “2022-05-25T11:00:55+00:00”,
“function”: {
“percent_control”: {
“type”: “Integer”,
“value”: {
“unit”: “%”,
“min”: 0,
“max”: 100,
“scale”: 0,
“step”: 1