[Tuya] TV02-ZG radiator valve support


We seem to have some kind of support for TV02-ZG radiator valves but it’s incomplete. I’ve been looking into this and I stumbled upon this PR which added the support: Add TRV (`wkf`) support to Tuya by frenck · Pull Request #65649 · home-assistant/core · GitHub and it’s clearly not complete (maybe at the time it was but now there are missing features).
I did a bit of digging and one of the issues that was closed with the PR mentioned earlier: Tuya TV02 Zigbee Thermostat Radiator Valve is unsopported · Issue #61226 · home-assistant/core · GitHub had all the info needed but it was closed with " As wkf devices are not built/added yet, this would be a feature request." so here I am requesting exactly this.

Is this a wifi or zigbee device?

How is it incomplete? You will need to be more specific.


I would start with the fact that they show up as unsupported in HA:

Moving forward, the available operations (hvac modes) are: heat/cool, heat/cool, heat, off. They obviously don’t do anything, I think instead of these, we should have what we find in the presets menu (which is also incomplete).
There is only one preset available: “holiday”
It should be: { “range”: [ “auto”, “manual”, “holiday”, “boost” ] }

The radiator has a sensor for temperature but it’s not available in HA as an entity.


Because I feel my explanation becomes confusing the more I go into details, here is the manual to describe the functionality of this radiator valve: http://upload.sunsky-online.com/res/drivers/EDA002837301.pdf

If you check what’s available in HA, it’s nothing close to that. I hope it’s easier to understand now, I tried to explain but it gets confusing unless you see it with your own eyes.

You didn’t answer whether it is zigbee or wifi?

Also climate integrations have the temperature as an attribute, not a separate entity, so no surprises there.

ah yes, I thought I wrote it but I think I deleted it at some point; the devices use zigbee and they are connected to the zigbee gateway with which I communicate via wifi

Which zigbee gateway?

It’s just called Tuya wireless gateway and I see under it that the model seems to be called TYZG1

I managed to find the standard instructions set and status set on tuya iot platform:

splitting into two comments because I am not allowed more than 1 picture at the moment

Does a climate entity get created in home assistant?

For each of the radiators I get the following:
1 x climate entity
1 x sensor entity (battery percentage)
2 x switch entities (Child lock, Open window detection)

And what attributes does the climate entity have? (Copy and paste from dev-tools/stated)

Sorry, I don’t seem to get notifications when a reply was posted. I’l try to keep an eye on this.

You have two preset modes, holiday and holidayready.

You have hvac_modes of off, heat_cool (twice for some reason) and heat. I am not sure what heat_cool does in the context of a radiator valve, it is probably auto, ie it heats if needed and goes to off if the room is hot enough.

Yes, and that’s why I was asking for a proper implementation; I think the current version doesn’t make that much sense. It is usable but it’s (in my opinion) an incomplete/broken integration. I searched a lot and when I saw the forum post I linked in my original post saying that we should request this, I requested it.

so should I move this to another section or what should I do? I think I managed to explain the situation well enough and I’m not sure what to do next to fix the problems

What integration are you using? If you think it is broken, post an issue on github.

I gave up on it; I can’t seem to clarify what’s wrong with it even if I feel it’s obvious so I have no more ways of explaining this, unfortunately.

HA says they are unsupported
the hvac_modes are incorrect (and if you ask me, make no sense whatsoever)

bugs are already added on github, here’s one of them with many people complaining about the same thing and basically giving up: Tuya integration shows wrong climate hvac_modes · Issue #103921 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

There was a PR that supposedly was going to fix this, but the issue persists: Add unknown tuya modes as presets by rogelio-o · Pull Request #82056 · home-assistant/core · GitHub