TuYa TV02-Zigbee valve control

The TuYa TV02 thermostatic radiator valves I’ve got in my system work for me by forcing them to a manual temperature level (at time xyz, requested temp is x degrees).

However, I’m now trying to change my central heating into a combined system where I’m going to use a log burner and the central heating at the same time. That on itself is a challenge with the central heating thermostat, but in one specific location I would want to control the TV02 valve without it being controlled by it’s own temperature sensor.

In his case the valve will be in a different room than the actual radiator, so the temperature it’s measuring doesn’t make any sense at all.
I’ve got temp measurement in the room that matters, so I could control the valve by HA if I knew how to control the actual valve.

What I’d want is to simply open the valve x% at any time given.

Has anyone been able to do such thing with a TV02 or any suggestions for another ZigBee central heating valve which would be able to do this?

Does it report valve % state?