I bought one wifi window sensor on ali express a year ago as a test, and it has been perfect. They go offline until a sensor change, then re-connect and update - all good - Only changed the batteries once. Fast forward to this year so I bought 7 more - but even though they looked the same, and said Tuya, they dont work the same. They never go into power save and while they work fine for a day, and the battery percentage shows stable, it is lying - if I delete one and re-setup in the tuya app, the battery shows way less - so its not updating. And they drain away in a day or so! Home assistant is just reporting what the tuya app is saying (this is not localtuya). I cant find anything online to configure these in any way - so I will go for the refund. Any ideas from anyone ? Over $10 in batteries so far (in a week)
Anyway be with any ideas? Spent more in batteries than these things cost just trying to troubleshoot this.