Tuya WiFi Smart Human Body Sensor (Radar/Microwave Motion Sensor)

Detection through walls:

I can confirm that the Home Assistant Tuya integration works for this device.

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Hello ,
I have received mine yesterday, and they are pretty sensitive. I did find that something strange. i was not in the room and it keept detecting presence for an hour. maybe because i have moved it and disconnected it from the wifi and it was still adjusting… i dont know.
the positives is that this is way more sensitive from a regular motion sensor. Also i have a KNX presence sensor that goes off as soon as i stand still. This one is still detecting motion. while im here typing this.
But yes, Standing still reading a book, it will not detect anyone…

For me that means that it is like a normal much cheaper motion sensor. Sit still and it shut off the light

Were you in the next room by chance when it was detecting you as present?

i was quite far… but i live in an apartment. could it be the neiughbour? i dont think so. these walls are quite think.

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you are almost right there. this is better than a regular motion sensor like the Shelly devices.

I also order these items to see how this behaves

Well I cant see why. If they dont detect people not moving, and detect moving people in other room, for me its useless


hum… i am here stand still on my laptop, and yes, if i completly stand still after one minute it doenst detect… but that is not realistic. we move our hand and touch our faces and hair… so far for me this is doing a really good job!

1st “sleep test” (bedroom presence detection overnight while sleeping). Not looking very good. Might try again with different sensor positioning.

Sleep test #2 with more thoughtful sensor placement. I’m unimpressed by the results. They’re basically not useful to me as is. Definitely not able to reliably detect breathing.


I just get mine but I can’t even make it work with the Tuya mobile app.

After successfully adding the device, it just blink red and the app show: Existence sate: No one.

And that’s it. Any idea?

Have you done something special to add this device?

No. I just followed the standard app onboarding/device adding.

Maybe check your region or try another one. And check your power supply?

There’s also a reset button which you could try…

Yes I tried different region, different 2.4 GHZ wifi, reset multiples times but still the same issue.

I think I got a lemon.

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Personally at this point I think they’re all lemons unfortunately :wink:.

I got 2. One works, one blinks red.

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Same here. One is working nicely, the other blinks red after adding to the Tuya app. Anybody has a fix for that?

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Have the exact same problem as bmcgair. Please if anyone finds out a fix share

could someone please share the model file for this tuya motion sensor?

localtuya → configure → reconfigure existing → save configuration entity as model

the model file will be saved in

I found out by myself, here is the template, put it in …/home-assistant/config/custom_components/localtuya/templates/motion-sensor.yaml

- sensor:
    friendly_name: Presence
    entity_category: diagnostic
    id: '101'
    platform: sensor
    icon: ''
- sensor:
    friendly_name: Luminosity
    entity_category: diagnostic
    id: '103'
    platform: sensor
    icon: ''
- select:
    friendly_name: motion detection sensitivity
    entity_category: config
      '0': 0x
      '1': 1x
      '2': 2x
      '3': 3x
      '4': 4x
      '5': 5x
      '6': 6x
      '7': 7x
      '8': 8x
      '9': 9x
      '10': 10x
    restore_on_reconnect: false
    is_passive_entity: false
    dps_default_value: '6'
    id: '105'
    platform: select
    icon: ''
- select:
    friendly_name: micro-motion detection sensitivity
    entity_category: config
      '0': 0x
      '1': 1x
      '2': 2x
      '3': 3x
      '4': 4x
      '5': 5x
      '6': 6x
      '7': 7x
      '8': 8x
      '9': 9x
      '10': 10x
    restore_on_reconnect: false
    dps_default_value: '0'
    is_passive_entity: false
    id: '107'
    platform: select
    icon: ''
- number:
    friendly_name: lower limit motion detection (cm)
    entity_category: config
    min_value: 0.0
    max_value: 600.0
    step_size: 10.0
    restore_on_reconnect: false
    is_passive_entity: false
    dps_default_value: '0'
    id: '110'
    platform: number
    icon: ''
- number:
    friendly_name: upper limit motion detection (cm)
    entity_category: config
    min_value: 0.0
    max_value: 600.0
    step_size: 10.0
    restore_on_reconnect: false
    is_passive_entity: false
    dps_default_value: '500'
    id: '109'
    platform: number
    icon: ''
- number:
    friendly_name: lower limit micro-motion detection (cm)
    entity_category: config
    min_value: 0.0
    max_value: 600.0
    step_size: 10.0
    restore_on_reconnect: false
    is_passive_entity: false
    dps_default_value: '0'
    id: '112'
    platform: number
    icon: ''
- number:
    friendly_name: upper limit micro-motion detection (cm)
    entity_category: config
    min_value: 0.0
    max_value: 600.0
    step_size: 10.0
    restore_on_reconnect: false
    is_passive_entity: false
    dps_default_value: '400'
    id: '111'
    platform: number
    icon: ''
- select:
    friendly_name: Nobody time setting
    entity_category: config
      '30': 30s
      '60': 60s
      '120': 120s
      '180': 180s
    restore_on_reconnect: false
    dps_default_value: '30'
    is_passive_entity: false
    id: '104'
    platform: select
    icon: ''