Using LocalTuya I was able to successfully set up the wifi dualmeter… nevertheless, there’s no way to integrate it in “Energy” dashboard.
The sensor entities are set, but when I try to set up the Energy dashboard, they are not proposed.
This guide: Frequently Asked Questions about home energy management - Home Assistant
suggests going to Developer Tools > States to check the entities.
I can’t find anything wrong: i.e.:
107-reverse energy A
2.32 raw_state: 2.32
unit_of_measurement: kWh
device_class: energy
friendly_name: 107-reverse energy A
Very same page suggests also that “state_class” must be total or total_increasing… but I don’t know how to check this, as it’s not reported in Developer Tools > States … any idea?
name: Home
unit_system: metric
# etc
# Add an entry for each entity that you want to overwrite.
state_class: total_increasing
Would I want to integrate the dual-meter in the standard “Energy usage” dashboard:
as “grid consumption” I set variable 108 (dp_energy_forward_b)
as “return to grid” I set variable 109 (dp_energy_reverse)
And this works fine, and I get the diagram of energy consumed or returned to the grid…
But for “solar production” what could I use?
The value should be the difference between dp_energy_forward_a (energy consumed by the load) - dp_energy_forward_b (grid consumption).
But how can I define such a variable?
Hi. Thank you very for this and to those who contributed to this topic. My dual meter was giving even giving no entity through tuya smart ! Now I can get all of them using this topic. The complete list of mapping is very usefull ! The 2 firsts 1 & 2 were referenced as 130 & 131 in my case.
Kind regards.