So I have a fan controller featuring that ever so annoying WR2 WiFi module which is not ESP based. Based on my research I found some previous threads scattered here and there about this chip and the inability to flash as its non-ESP based.
After some more research and reviewing the pin assignments it would appear that this module can easily be swapped with a TYWE2S module, an ESP based module. This would allow the installation of Tasmota. I’m going for it. I am trying to acquire a few TYWE2S boards off Ali. If that doesn’t work out I need to either find a device to part one out of, or I am going to have to wire in a more generic ESP module with jumpers. The last concept is less than ideal as form factor is important when you’re trying to fit the device in a fan bezel.
I’ll post the final write up here. Any thoughts on where best to source the TYWE2S modules. I’m thinking getting an order of 10-20 would be wise before the stocks of them dry up as tuya moves away from ESP architecture.