Tuya Zigbee LED Controller fade color

I got a Tuya Zigbee LED Controller with RGB LED stripe.
It is added via the SkyConnect to my HA which works fine.
The color change and the on off switch works fine as well.

To have a bit of a action going on I want to have a color fade (change from all collors to each other smoothly).
How can I add this to my installation?

Thanks a lot for your help!

I just saw that Gidealed Smart LED Stripe doesnt support any color effects :frowning:
Is there any way I can have a workaround with automations maybe?

I did it with a node red integration.
So if you want to have a similar purpose for your Zigbee LED Stripe - color fade over a specific time or a specific color with an event you can realize that with the node red addon.